7 WEEKS 2025


Matters about the installation, operation and refusal of automatic personal information collection device.

A. What is cookie?

  • ‘Cookie’ is used for storage and frequent calling of user’s information for provision of personalized and customized services.
  • Cookie is a very small text file sent to the browser of the user from the server which is used for the operation of the website.
    It is stored in the hard disc of the user’s computer. After then, when the user visits the website, the server of the website reads the contents of the cookie stored in the hard disc of the user to maintain the environment setting of the user and provide customized services.
  • Cookie does not collect the personal identification information automatically or actively. The user may refuse the storage of the cookie or delete it anytime.

B. Purpose of use of Cookie

Cookie is used for provision of optimized information for the customer including advertisement by grasping the service of k-rankings.klpga.co.kr visited by the user, type of visit and use of website, popular search words, whether connecting securely or not, news editing, the size of users, etc.

C. Installation, operation and refusal of Cookie

The user has the right to decide the installation of Cookie. Therefore, the user can allow all Cookies, check the Cookie whenever it is installed or refuse storage of Cookie by setting the options in the Web Browser.